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500kg bomb

500kg bomb optically steered air-to-ground surface burst bomb

The 500kg bomb is an optically guided bomb Air-to-Ground bomb. Fifty times stronger than the AGM-48 missile, and almost 4 times stronger than the AGM-68 missile, it delivers a very strong explosion capable of destroying well fortified buildings, and large convoys.

Since it has no propulsion or heat signature, so it can only be shot down by radar missiles. The downside being however that the aircraft dropping the bomb has to be approximately above the ground target, which opens a window for the ground target to shoot it down. While it has no propulsion, it is optically guided, which means it tilts its fins to guide itself more accurately on the moving target.

It has a surface burst warhead, which means instead of exploding in the air right before the impact like the AGM missiles, it explodes over a large area on impact.

The effective range is different depending on the conditions in which it is dropped from.

“Optically guided bomb with a large surface burst warhead”

Technical Info

Syntax Description
↔ Length 2.7m (270cm)
⌀ Width 0.5m (50cm)
↕ Height 0.5m (50cm)
$ Cost 20k
㎏ Warhead Yield 500kg
Δ Delta V 0km/h
⩥ Range variable
Carried by 🛦T/A-30 Compass
🛦FS-12 Revoker
🛧SFB-81 Darkreach