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AAM-29 Scythe

AAM-29 Scythe active radar homing long range missile

The AAM-29 Scythe is an Air-to-Air high range active radar homing missile that is used for targeting and destroying air targets from aircraft, even at beyond visual range.


The missile initially uses the plane’s built-in radar for initial guidance to get closer to the target aircraft. When the missile is 10 km from the target, it switches to Active Radar Homing (ARH), which means it is now tracking the target autonomously with its own radar, instead of relying on your plane’s radar.

If mounted on a plane without a radar, such as the T/A-30 Compass, it is only reliable from around 10 km, because it can only use its own radar for guidance.

One of the ways to evade the missile is to ‘Notch’ the missile, which means flying perpendicularly to the radar. To aid with evading, use your aircraft’s radar countermeasures, which attempt to jam the radar signal. Another effective way to evade the missile is to simply fly below the line of sight of its radar, which cannot be always done if seeing beyond visual range is enabled on the map.

“Using a combination of inertial guidance and terminal radar homing, the Scythe can engage aerial targets at beyond visual range.”

Technical Info

Syntax Description
↔ Length 3.5m (350cm)
⌀ Width 0.4 (40cm)
↕ Height 0.4m (40cm)
$ Cost 360k
㎏ Warhead Yield 20kg
Δ Delta V 4307km/h (1196m/s)
⩥ Range 120km
Carried by 🛦T/A-30 Compass
🛦FS-12 Revoker