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SFB-81 Darkreach

SFB-81 Darkreach large strategic bomber flying above land in the evening

The SFB-81 Darkreach is an advanced strategic bomber, featuring a stealthy design, capable of using both nuclear and conventional bombs and missiles on ground targets.


The SFB-81 Darkreach is equipped with 4 large internal weapons bays, which enable it to carry and use a diverse set of air-to-ground weapons. It has flares, which help defend against IR missiles from planes, and a powerful radar jammer to defend itself from oncoming missiles.

It cannot be equipped with any anti-air missiles, as such it is unable to engage attacking enemy aircraft. To defend it, another friendly aircraft has to step in to defend the Revoker, or escort it the entire mission. This is usually not practiced, and the usual chosen tactic is to fly solo, either low under the radar to not get noticed for a long time and get up close, or fly very high to use its ordnance from a larger distance.

It is highly ineffective to drop missiles or rockets from the Revoker in a heavily defended area from a high altitude, as most, if not all explosives will get shot down by enemy planes or air defense systems. It is preferred to first destroy the enemy’s air defense systems with other aircraft, before utilizing the revoker to destroy larger and harder to shoot down bigger, reinforced targets such as airfield buildings or factories.

“Featuring powerful engines, a stealthy silhouette, and 4 large internal weapon bays, the SFB-81 Darkreach is a formidable bomber capable of deploying both conventional and nuclear weapons. Its blended wing design allows the Darkreach to conduct operations in a veriety of flight regimes, from low-altitude penetrating strikes to standoff strategic bombardment.”

SFB-81 Darkreach bomber dropping bombs from its bottom internal weapon bays
An SFB-81 Darkreach dropping 12 500kg bombs from its four large internal weapon bays.

Technical Info

Info Value
↔ Length 27.4m
⌀ Width 36.5
↕ Height 4.0m
$ Cost 225m
㎏ Empty Weight 70070kg (70 Tonne)
㎞ Max Speed 1325km/h (368m/s)
⚠ Stall speed 240km/h (66.6m/s)
༄ Maneuverability 4.0g
Compartment Weapons
→🗁 Inner Weapon Bays AGM-68 (x4)
500kg bomb (x8)
Nuclear Bomb (1.5kt) (x4)
Cruise Missiles [BLAST FRAG] (x4)
☢ Cruise Missiles [20kt] (x2)
Demolition Bomb (Thermobaric)
←🗁 Internal Weapon Bays AGM-68 (x4)
500kg bomb (x4)
Nuclear Bomb (1.5kt) (x4)
Cruise Missiles [BLAST FRAG] (x4)